Weilbacher & Associates
Firm Profile

Weilbacher & Associates, P.C. was established November 1, 1996 for the practice of public accounting and management consulting. The CPA's within the firm have many years of experience so we can be of service to our clients and our community.

Our team at Weilbacher & Associates, P.C. has a diverse background of accounting, tax and business advisory experiences. We are committed to providing a full range of services: Tax Preparation and Planning (Federal and State) for individuals, businesses, estates and trusts; Accounting and Auditing; Bookkeeping and Payroll; Controllership; Management Consulting for retirement planning, executive compensation and employee benefits. 

The level of our professional services has been strengthened by offering you a highly qualified team who are encouraged to raise their standard of performance, improve their education, and enlarge the scope of their services. Our professionals constantly sharpen and broaden their skills by attending courses and seminars conducted by our firm, the Texas Society of Certified Public Accountants, The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, and other professional organizations.

We welcome you to meet our team.

Weilbacher & Associates - Bruce L. Weilbachrer Bruce L. Weilbacher, CPAShareholderblw@wacpas.net
 Weilbacher & Associates - Kimberly A. WeilbacherKimberly A. Weilbacher, CPAShareholderkim@wacpas.net

Stephanie Barker, CPAManagersbarker@wacpas.net
Candace GentryAssociatecgentry@wacpas.net

Michelle Hensley

Office Managermhensley@wacpas.net

Melissa Parris

Samantha MartinezAssociatesray@wacpas.net
April RinkAdministrative Assistantarink@wacpas.net
Paul Roth-Roffy, CPAManagerprothroffy@wacpas.net
Mark J. Samas, CPAManagermsamas@wacpas.net

Jennifer Samas


Deanna Schott


Diana Schwindt

Joyce Skekel, CPAAssociatejskekel@wacpas.net
Julia E. Smith, CPAAssociatejsmith@wacpas.net
Brendan TibbettsAssociatebtibbetts@wacpas.net